Caitlin was silent when tens of thousands of civilians were killed by Putin in Mariupol. She was silent when hundreds of thousands (including 5000 Palestinians) were being slaughtered by the Asad regime in Syria. She justified the treatment of Uyghurs by the Chinese government. But now she writes 1000 word essays about Israel's war on Hamas. Where were all these 100,000s of people who scream "free Palestine" were when 100x more people were being killed (and in fact continue to be killed, in Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc.)? Could it be that they're truely so concerned about the lives of Palestinians? (Although were completely silent when Asad was starving and bombing Palestinians in Yarmouk?) Give me a break. This selective outrage is transparent. It's unfortunate that these so called "pro-Palestinians" are exploiting the suffering of innocent people in Gaza to score political points. What a sham.